Everything I was expecting to pick up was sold out on Monday night. It really sucked! No coupons used this week, but at least I got some price matching done!
- Gum Packs $1.87 each
- Vachon Cakes are $1.97
- Dempster's bread pm'd at $1.99
- Pringles were $1.50
- Pears were pm'd at 79 cents/lb
- Aquafresh was pm'd at 99 cents each
- Colgate pm'd at 88 cents each
Not too many deals going on this week! But, there are still a few items worth picking up!
Weekly shopping
No Frills
- turkey $.95/lb
- royale 30 rolls $4.77 ($1 coupon)
- chicken breast $3.44/lb
- red/green grapes $.97/lb
- Breyers $2.44
- turkey gravy $.69
- Catelli healthy harvest $1.47
- betty Crocker $1
Shoppers Drug Mart
- Dempster's $1.99
Price Chopper
- royal gala $.98/lb
- Arm and hammer detergent $2.99 ($1 coupon)
- Gay lea $2.88
- lady speed stick $1.97 ($1 off)
Food Basics
- prime chicken $5
- raspberries 2/$3
- yams $.88/lb
- cucumber $.88
- Dempster's $1.99
See you next week!
Eros and Pookie